Sunday, April 28, 2019

David Rubenstein interviewing Randall Stephenson

Really interesting watching the David Rubenstein show this week - if this doesn't excite you about the future nothing will;

Especially the last 3 minutes where Randall talks about the future "thin client mobile display" opportunity eg that the mobile device you are used to carrying, now with "faster/always on" persistent 5G connection, no longer needs the compute and storage power on the device but instead is a client related to a server in the cloud (or application occurring somewhere off device).

Reminds me of this deck I presented in 2006 where I talked about what applications would most benefit from this exact concept......progress moves slowly....but it does move relentlessly and once it does history is almost unrecognizable.

I'm thinking its time to get back into this space, if you are building something that encapsulates this concept-get in touch and lets discuss.
